"There is a story run by Fox Business News and other news outlets today that quotes Goldman Sachs making all kinds of weird and unlikely forecasts. Not quite sure how to deal with it because its description of the current Phoenix market bears little comparison with the real world.
Some quotes are:
My comments are:
The lack of coherent thinking in the text of the article contrasts with the interview with Ara Hovnanian that appears on the same web page. I went away with the impression that Ara Hovnanian has his head screwed on tight and that the Goldman Sachs housing analyst has lost the plot. Maybe Sky Business garbled the message that Goldman Sachs put out?
Also confusing are Goldman Sachs recent forecasts of interest rates:
Noone has ever been very good at forecasting mortgage interest rates more than a couple of weeks in advance. This includes the Mortgage Bankers Association and it especially includes Goldman Sachs whose track-record on interest rate forecasts is extremely poor. This is not saying much because there is no-one who gets them right more than by random chance.
Any time spent listening to people making interest rate forecasts is time you could have spent more productively."
- Michael Orr, Founder of The Cromford Report, the recognized top authority on the economics behind the Greater Phoenix real estate market
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